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Child Poverty After Housing Costs

Every year the End Child Poverty Coalition, together with the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University, publishes data on the number of children living in poverty. after housing costs, in each Westminster Constituency and Local Authority across the UK. This analysis is based upon the annual release of the Department for Work and Pensions Children in Low Income Families dataset and factors in housing costs at the local level.

In the most recent analysis child poverty percentages are compared to the percentages of children impacted by the two-child limit on child benefit. This uses data from 2023 from the DWP, HMRC and Department of Communities in Northern Ireland obtained under FOI, which provided figures for the old pre-2024 electoral boundaries. This data was modelled to the new election boundaries.

Estimates for regions and the North East Combined Authority (NECA) are also included and these have been estimated by averaging the percentages on the constituencies within these areas.

Additional Analysis: Children in Low Income Families

NOTE: DWP have advised caution when comparing the latest two years of Children in Low Income Families data with previous years as some of the data sources were affected during COVID due to difficulties in collection. The data suggests that child poverty in the North East and its 12 local authorities, has fallen. Local free school meal data, (a good proxy measure for poverty), in County Durham has continued to rise. Further details can be found on the Free School Meals page on Durham Insight.

Further details can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Further information on this dataset is available on the End Child Poverty Coalition website and the dashboard below summarises this analysis.

Additional Analysis: