JSNAA Priority Areas Image JSNAA Priority Starting Well Image JSNAA Priority Living Well Image JSNAA Priority Ageing Well Image JSNAA Population Image JSNAA Priority Strategic Assets Image JSNAA Priority Wider Determinants Image

The health and wellbeing of County Durham’s population is shaped not only by lifestyle and behavioural factors but also by a wide variety of social, economic and environmental factors (such as poverty, housing, ethnicity, place of residence, education and environment). The role of lifestyle factors, such as physical activity, diet, smoking and alcohol is significant. People who find it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle are more likely to develop long term conditions that place pressure on health and social care services.

JSNAA Reports and key links

The following JSNAA Reports support this section:

Other links to data:

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities public health data:

Selected indicators for Living Well