Road Safety

There have been significant reductions in ‘all road user’ casualties since 2009 with the number of casualties falling at a national, regional and local level. The UK now has one of the best road safety records in the world but more can be done to prevent deaths and serious injuries. Helping children and young people to stay safer is a high priority for the UK Government and preventing death and serious injury on the roads is an important part of that.

Factsheet: Road Safety Fact Sheet (PDF; 189Kb)

Key messages

  • In the last 10 years (Jan-Dec 2010-2020) within County Durham there has
    been a:

    • 62% reduction in all recorded injury collisions
    • 12% reduction in serious injuries; and
    • 68% reduction in slight recorded injuries
    • 28% increase in fatalities

Links to data

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