Reduce reoffending

Durham and Darlington’s Reducing Reoffending Group focuses its work on prevention, early intervention, targeted interventions and enabling desistance pathway support (the reasons why people offend) in order to reduce crime.

Around half of all crime is committed by people who have already been through the Criminal Justice System. The cost to the taxpayer of reoffending is estimated to be £9.5 to £13 billion per year (Ministry of Justice, 2010-15).

Factsheet: Reduce Reoffending Fact Sheet (PDF;168Kb)

Key Messages:

  • The rate of first-time entrants into the Youth Justice System has been decreasing and shows a downward trend in County Durham, with 176 entrants into the Youth Justice System per 100,000 10-17 population (Jan 19 – Dec 19),
  • The reoffending rate in County Durham is 30% (Jan 18 – Dec 18), higher than the national average (29%),
  • In County Durham there are an average of 4.7 offences per offender, above the national average of 4.01,
  • The reoffending rate for children and young people in County Durham is 39%, higher than the national average of 38.5%,
  • The level of detected crime for offenders in the Integrated Offender Management cohort has fallen over the last 12 months to 42%, this is lowest rate seen since June 2018/19,
  • The rate of successful completions as a proportion of all Criminal Justice clients in drug and alcohol treatment has been increasing in County Durham since late 2018-19; with a current success rate of 13% (Oct 19 – Sep 20), although this figure seems small, this is the highest rate seen in County Durham,
  • Nearly 1,000 referrals were made into the Checkpoint Deferred Prosecution Programme in 2019/20,
  • Between April and June 2020, the number of referrals fell but have since returned to average levels,
  • In the 12 months to June 2020 the compliance rate for Checkpoint Deferred Prosecution Programme has remained above 70%,
  • Between April 2015 to December 2020, the Stronger Families Programme worked with 2,357 families who were identified as being involved in anti-social behaviour or Crime. 51% of families achieved a successful intervention,
  • The number of pre-caution disposals has been decreasing and on a downward trend in County Durham since 2018/19.

Links to Data

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