Teenage Conceptions

Tackling under-18 conceptions is a complex issue, with a range of external factors that can impact on young people and conception rates; these include limited access to education, poverty, lack of opportunities and inadequate relationship, sex and health education (RSHE).

Without strong support networks, young parents are more likely to face a range of inequalities that can affect their health and wellbeing and outcomes for their children.  Therefore, a focus on prevention with the aim of reducing unplanned pregnancies remains a priority locally and nationally.

PLEASE NOTE: We also have a dedicated JSNAA page on the topic of Sexual Health

Key Messages:

Data report:

Our strategies, plans and groups

The County Durham Sexual Health Strategy 2023-2028  has a vision:

…that everyone in County Durham will have access to high quality, inclusive and confidential sexual health support.

The strategy has five key priority areas. Priority two addresses teenage conceptions.

  1. Relationships Education (RE), and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) across the life course
  2. Teenage conceptions, pregnancy and support for young parents
  3. Contraception
  4. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and HIV
  5. Reproductive health

A multi-agency Teenage Pregnancy Steering Group meets bi-monthly and supports the delivery of the strategy.

The evidence base

NICE Guidance CG110: Pregnancy and complex social factors: a model for service provision for pregnant women with complex social factors

Public Health England guidance: Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Framework

Sex Education Forum resources: Evidence


Other relevant links