Looked-after children (LAC) and care leavers (CL) are a vulnerable sub-group of the population. Most children enter care often following a range of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s), often as the result of abuse or neglect. Whilst they have many of the same health issues as their peers, the extent of these is often greater as a result of their past experiences. The available evidence suggests LAC and CL experience poorer health outcomes which can persist into adulthood.

In 2017/18 around 800 children and young people have been cared for, 1 in 3 children who enter care are under 1 years, 4 out of 5 come into care due to abuse or neglect and 2 out of 3 children and young people are placed in foster care. Durham County Council has seen a 53% increase in the number of LAC between 2011 and 2018.

The following documents provide further information:


Supporting information

Looked After Children factsheet

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