Tobacco Control

JSNA > Living Well

Smoking is recognised to be the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death and there exists huge inequalities in smoking prevalence and smoking related deaths.

Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious pregnancy-related health problems. These include complications during labour and an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, low birth-weight and sudden unexpected death in infancy

In June 2022 Dr Javed Khan published an independent review on the government’s ambitions to make England smoke free by 2030. It was found that England will miss this target by at least 7 years. It was found that in order to reach these targets England needs to accelerate the rate of decline of people who smoke by 40%.

Tobacco Control data report: Click the report tabs to explore more data around Tobacco Control in County Durham. Click on the expand button in the bottom right of the box to open in full screen mode.

Assessments and audits 

In 2023 a Health Equity Audit (HEA) was carried out by Durham Council Council’s Research and Intelligence team on behalf of the Tobacco Control Alliance. A summary of the key findings and the recommendations can be found in the following three infographics. A link to the full HEA is also provided below.

Key Findings of Health Equity Audit 2023 (Tobacco Control Overall Service)Key Findings of Health Equity Audit 2023 (Tobacco Control Pregnant Smokers)Key Findings of Health Equity Audit 2023 (Tobacco Control Recommendations)

Health Equity Audit: Stop Smoking Services Health Equity Audit 2023

Our strategies, plans and groups

The Health and Wellbeing Board’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-28  contains four priorities. One of these is ‘Making smoking history’. The strategy lists the following  differences which we can expect to see in  the life of the JLHWS (2028):

● Reduction in the number of people smoking to 5% by 2030
● Reduction in the number of hospital admission episodes for diseases related to smoking
● Continued reduction of smoking related deaths
● Reduction in the proportion of mothers smoking at time of delivery

The County Durham – Tobacco Control Alliance is the multi-agency group working together to reduce smoking rates to 5% by 2030. The infographic below shows the seven key strands of the Action Plan which directs the work of the alliance.

Plan on a page

The County Durham – Treating Tobacco Dependency in Pregnancy Group works together to reduce smoking rates of mothers smoking at time of delivery to 0% by 2025.

Strategic assets – Tobacco Control

Strategic assets are:

  • services, activities, and initiatives that we commission or grant fund for the benefit of communities across County Durham
  • resources that we have available to us to support communities across County Durham such as workforce, training, or partnerships
  • knowledge and insight that our communities and workforce have that they have told us about through research, consultation or other forms of engagement
  • experience that our communities and workforce have of living or working in County Durham and/or services that are provided

For more information visit our Strategic assets page.

Tobacco Control strategic assets: Click the icons to explore the strategic assets identified for Tobacco Control in County Durham. Click on the expand button in the bottom right of the box to open in full screen mode

The evidence base

NICE Guidance 209: Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence

The Khan review: making smoking obsolete

Other relevant links


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